Happy Independence Day for all Indians

To all our Indian readers, we wish you a happy independence day. May the 66th independence day usher in a new era of growth, economic and social prosperity and development for all the citizens of our motherland. While we celebrate, let us take an oath to rededicate to our motherland our services which will ensure a new direction for the rising sun.Let us consciously change ourselves to be able to choose to serve the nation’s interest, while keeping aside all other interest, sometimes, even compromising our own. Let us change ourselves for the greater good.

Sharing another scanned document of the first newsprint of the first dawn of independence when the citizens of India saw the morning in a new light of glory.

Feel free to share the photo with all your friends.

BTW did you read Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s memorable “Dawn of Independence” speech on the first independence day. http://business-fundas.com/2010/pandit-jawaharlal-nehrus-memorable-dawn-of-independence-speech/

Vande Mataram.

Editor – Business Fundas