Avoid Investing in Facebook – Investment strategies

Avoid falling flat on your Facebook. The fall and fall of Facebook’s stock has been the stuff of investors’ nightmares. Starting with a stock price of $38, by 31st August the stock had lost approximately 52% value with no sign of a bounce. The real issue isn’t just Facebook’s shares so much as a lack of probity in investments these days and many businesses who choose to ‘float’ may find there’s a leak in their boat.

The average duration for a shareholding in the USA currently stands at an almost instantaneous 22 seconds!

Compared with an average holding of 8 years in the 1940’s, the stock market has become the ‘get rich quick’ scheme (substitute ‘dream’ for a more apt description) of the 00’s. Shareholders just aren’t in it for the long game any more and this creates a multitude of problems for businesses great and small.

The demand to create shareholder value overnight keeps many an Executive Suite buzzing into the ridiculous hours of the night; sees downsizing and corporate initiatives bluntly delivered across departments to deliver savings and greater profit margins and dissatisfaction in the stock market quickly translates into a knee jerk reaction kicking the HR department into action, moving from co-production to consultation as the company’s most “valuable assets” become “deadweight” creating drag merely as a result of bottom line cost.

Shareholder value, as a concept, is fine but it’s become very one directional in recent years and creates little benefit for the business, less a short term cash injection and longer term drain on your profits and profitability.

Before you launch your business into the choppy stock market seas, consider a few alternatives:

  • Raise additional funds through other means:

Investment pots and pensions aren’t delivering growth in low interest economies just now.

Money in the bank is more of a tax liability than a cushion.  Get family; friends and acquaintances to consider becoming a minority investor in your venture with the prospect (but no guarantee) of long-term returns;

Ask – “Do I really need to grow?” Many businesses chase growth like a dog chases it’s own tail.  It’s the perpetual motion that creates the illusion of progress when, in reality, you’re just expending energy chasing an elusive, moving and often undesirable target. Growth’s not a bad thing; it’s just not the be all and end all of business.  Sustainability and longevity are much more important.

Grow from within:  Re-invest your profits.  It’s the simplest and most economical way of growing any business; it doesn’t sell off any part of your holding and doesn’t expose it to the jitter of shareholders demanding short-term results.

Or consider selling shares to the employees and give them a stake in their own sweat and toil.

Consider the 3 C’s:

  1. Co-operation
  2. Co-production
  3. Collaboration

You don’t need to do it all on your own.  Find other businesses or individuals that are either doing something similar and work together to increase market share or find complimentary products and services and share the costs of increasing your joint offer to the market.  Cross selling could help you both.

All these options allow you to retain control of your business and keep your long-term goals in focus.

If you decide that you do want shareholders, make sure major shareholders you bring in possess more than just the financial wherewithal to invest.

Get investors that are passionate about what you’re trying to achieve; who have experience and expertise in an area that’s relevant for your business and that can actually add something to the business and the Boardroom (other than banging fists; a scary glare and the demand you make them rich instantly or they’ll withdraw their investment).

That way, when the storm hits the good ship (insert your company’s name) you can call all hands to deck rather than your shareholders racing to the lifeboats as the rest are left to bail out.

Bio:  Colin Millar is an entrepreneur and Founding Director of Cloud Management Systems [Link: CloudManagementSystems (.) co( .)uk ], a consultancy with a difference.  Colin is also the Chairman of a Scottish based charity. Colin blogs on leadership, management; business and enterprise.  In 2011, he won the Chartered Management Institute’s ‘Top Blog” award.

Facebook’s ‘Add to interests’ feature

Facebook briefly introduced the ‘Add to interest’ feature in their newest feature trials venture. Surprisingly this was done only for pages with commercial media and text.  Although the feature / option quickly disappeared from pages where it was introduced, but it left us wondering if Facebook might be preparing a modified plan for users to opt-in to brand messages or even some sort of discovery engine, based on profile segmentation and customization. This may impact the promoted pages by a huge margin, who may see the spiraling hits/likes from their pages/group rocketing like never before.

This looks like Facebook is all geared to take social media to the next big level, targeted online campaigns from the analysis of Big data, collected from social behavior online. What do you think about this new offering from this social media innovator? write to us to tell us your take on this sneak peek..


The option quickly disappeared from pages, but it left speculators wondering if Facebook might be plotting a way for users to opt-in to brand messages or even some sort of discovery engine.

What is Facebook: A funny insight

Facebook is the cyber tool which enables you to stop worrying about wasting time even when your schedule is super busy, by making you play the stupidest quizzes and talk about not-so-important things in your life, with friends with only an online existence.

Check out this humorous cartoon sketch of Facebook.

You CAN Judge A Facebooker By Their Profile Picture

You’ve heard the saying “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover”, but the truth is you really CAN. If I see a book with the title “Ravenous Love Affair” with a picture of a Fabio lookalike feeding strawberries to a desperate housewife, I know that’s not the book for me. I have no interest in romance novels so I don’t even need to pick it up. Although I might be pleasantly surprised by the superb writing and nail biting story line, I will never know because I wont touch it.

This same type of prejudgment occurs when confirming my Facebook friends. A picture is worth a thousand words. You may be unaware of this fact, but your profile picture speaks to your friends and gives them an insight into who you are. Below you will find a list of profile pics that persuade me to ignore, block and delete Facebook friends.

No Profile Picture

No photo or as I like to call it, the white Facebook shadow should always be avoided. It was brought to my attention that several individuals with no photo and limited profile information are actually hackers and spread computer viruses. No profile photo is a potential threat to my computer. I prefer to add those who have photos of their children, favorite books, movies, animals, etc. rather than no photo at all.

The Fake Profile Picture

I really don’t like it when people have pictures of other people as their profile picture. I’m not talking about photos of celebrities. Some people take photos of other people and try to pass them off as themselves. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve see profiles with the same photo or stumbled upon these generic pictures in google images. This type of behavior is deceitful. If I can’t trust you to be honest about who you are…I can’t trust anything you say.

Inappropriate Profile Pictures

This is pretty self explanatory, but everyone has a different opinion about the boundaries of inappropriateness. Half naked photos and images of you passed out with a bottle of Tequila in your hands isn’t professional. If you use Facebook to promote your business and network with other professionals, you should consider creating a separate page if yours is a little to racy for the business world.

In the end, I like to see who I’m talking to. It’s hard enough to form a connection with someone you’ve never met. A poor profile picture or lack there of will only widen the disconnect. Select your profile pictures wisely and let your friends see who you really are =)

10 Success Mantras for Viral Marketing using Social Media

By definition, social media marketing describes the use of social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis or any other online collaborative media for marketing. In recent times, this has been used extensively to market content (blog) and products, even those with B2B utility. Commonly this had been achieved using social media like Facebook, MySpace, Orkut, Digg, Stumbleupon, Flicker, Reditt, Twitter, Delicious and lots of other upcoming new sites like Yahoo Buzz, Mixx, Fark, Shoutwire, eBaumsworld and others (e.g SWOM, the latest kid on the block). So how does one use the power of social network to market one’s  content or product? Following these few steps may ensure success of your marketing efforts.

  1. Don’t launch your product first. Spend time to understand the dynamics of the social network which you want to use before using it. The dynamics of Digg are very different from Stumbleupon. So the same strategy won’t work in all places.
  2. Create a network on that media before using the same. Always introduce yourself to your network. This creates a long term benefit. Also collaborators are crucial for your success. Identification of these collaborators are extremely important before you launch your product.
  3. Decide your media based on the product which you want to sell. Not all kinds of content/products are suitable for all the social media. Research has indicated that multimedia content is more preferred in sites like Stumbleupon, Facebook and MySpace, while information (textual) is more preferred in sites like Digg and Reditt. Flicker for instance is only suitable for photos.
  4. Interact regularly with your customer segments. Degree of personalization will impact the success of your marketing efforts. A humanitarian approach always speaks volumes and increases trust of the consumers. A relationship is beneficial in the long run, as then he will promote your product (promotion without investment and may start a chain of promotion)
  5. A unique strategy is always crucial for your success. Remember, everyone is using the same tools which you are using. How can you make a difference when you are doing the same thing which others are doing? Decide on a long term goal before focusing on the short term implementation necessities.
  6. Ensure that the fans of your product can promote a message themselves to their social network in multiple online social media venues using WEB 2.0. These buttons must be highly visible to actually prompt them to do it, and the process must be very easy.
  7. Never SPAM! Your customers can always see what you are promoting in your group/fan page. A no reaction from them may mean they are not interested in this particular offering. Overdoing may irritate them enough to leave your network altogether.
  8. Remember “Viral marketing” based around “online conversations“. Social media marketing cannot be controlled by you. But try to encourage user participation and dialogue so that the chain can start. A badly designed social media marketing campaign can potentially backfire on you.
  9. Respect your partners and customers. Always remember they may be seeing through your intentions, even if they may not express that clearly, if you are trying to tweak around. Trust is crucial for your success.
  10. You must learn to collaborate with others and be transparent about it with your partners. Always be clear about the benefits the relationship will have on both. Both are here for a professional reason only. Be sure both the collaborators are clear about that, to ensure a long term relationship.

Following these simple steps may do wonders for your social media campaign. Let me know how you fare.

A Guide To Using Facebook Gifts

Remember E-cards? I used to love sending E-cards to my friends and family members during the holidays and for special occasions. It was a fast, free and efficient way to get in touch with them and share my love without having to worry about postage and writing dozens of individual letters.

Facebook gifts should be used for the same purposes as E-cards. They are to remind your friends that you are thinking of them and wish them well on specific occasions. Unfortunately, several Facebook users are abusing this feature and destroying the value and the sentiment of gifts.

If you send Facebook gifts dozens of times per week and leave the generic “I got it just for you” message, you diminish the sentiment of gift giving. Essentially, you are just spamming the walls of your Facebook friends.

I understand that as online marketers it’s hard to keep in close contact with the hundreds and thousands of connections we’ve made via social media outlets. Facebook gifts are actually a great way to drop your friends a message and let them all know you are still around and keep them thinking of you. However, if you abuse this feature, you’re friends will think of you in a negative way.

Here are a few things to consider when sending Facebook messages:

1. Facebook gifts are good in moderation

Sending too many will only aggravate and annoy your friends. What’s too many? Honestly, I think that anything more than once a week should be considered excessive. I know I don’t have an anniversary, birthday, holiday or special event every week. Sending blessings and prayers are thoughtful, but how thoughtful are they without a personal message?

2. Personalization = Value

Personalize the message in the Facebook gifts. Don’t just say “I hope you like it”. Make your messages genuine and your friends will appreciate the fact that you aren’t sending generic messages.

3. Send relevant gifts

Don’t send a Christmas gift in July. I’ve seen this happen and again, it diminishes the value.

What’s your opinion on Facebook gifts? Leave some feedback below and let me know what you think….